Events where any detail will be missed

Catering for weddings and events

If you can dream it, we can do it.
Leave everything in our hands and enjoy your day.


Les Magnòlies… we are a family business that we work to make of every event, a unique experience. We build personalized events where gastronomic quality and excellence on the details create unforgettable moments that last on the memory and time.

Our gastronomic selection combines traditional preparation and proximity products with advanced techniques.Working with seasonally products transformed into art pieces for our plates. The good service and the personalized treat to our clients is the basis of our working philosophy.

and venues

Services and venues

In Les Magnòlies we know that every celebration is unique and once-in-a-lifetime. For this reason and after many years of experience working with the best suppliers.

Isidre and Neus are waiting for you to help to find the most outstanding combination and create the best menu for you.



Dimecres, dijous i diumenge de 13 h a 15 h.
Divendres i dissabte de 13 h a 15 h i de 20.30 h a 22 h.

Dilluns i dimarts tancat.



Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday from 1pm to 3pm.
Friday and Saturday from 1pm to 3pm and from 8:30pm to 10pm.
Monday and Tuesday closed.